Two Sentence Stories (part 20)

I spent months distracting myself from the headaches and increasingly blurring vision, but I finally found myself in a doctor’s office reviewing scans. I had worried over worst case scenarios, but in none of those did the doctor use the terms “hatched” and “hive”

Lily proudly showed her grandfather the keys she had dug out of the back garden, not noticing the look of horror on his face. As she showed him the hole, her grandfather could find no part of the hand that once gripped them.

Three Sentence Stories (Part 12)

I thought I had been a good person throughout my life, if a little misguided at times. As I closed my tired eyes, I hoped I was good enough to be reunited with my family in heaven. Instead I found myself standing inside a pentagram surrounded by a group of very nervous cultists.

Have you ever heard someone say something that you know is wrong, but so confidently that it gives you pause? I have. Unfortunately that phrase was “it definitely isn’t loaded”.

It was the offer of a lifetime: a reality show that could clean years of dirt and clutter out of our home for free. They even swapped our house keys for a hotel card so we could spend a week decompressing before the “grand reveal”. While the show turned out to be fake, I must say that the Crime Scene cleaners did a decent job.